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Research and Publications

My research interests include plant ecology, population ecology, community ecology, global change biology, and conservation biology.

Research projects are specified below. A list of my publications is also provided.




4. Mariano, V., & Christianini, A. V. (2021). Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on seed germination under field conditions: A meta-analysis. Acta Oecologica, 113, 103791. 


3. Pedroso, P. M., Mariano, V., Kimura, M., & Christianini, A. V. (2021). Drought changes fruiting phenology but does not affect seed predation of a keystone palm. Flora, 283, 151917.


2. Mariano, V., Rebolo, I.F., & Christianini, A.V. (2019). Fire-sensitive species dominate seed rain after fire suppression: Implications for plant community diversity and woody encroachment in the Cerrado. Biotropica, 51, 5-9.


1. Mariano, V. & Christianini, A.V. (2016). Reproductive phenology, seed removal and early regeneration in relation to distance from parental plants of a native palm in small Atlantic Forest fragments. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 30, 176-182. 


Reproductive phenology and regeneration of a keystone palm in Atlantic Forests fragments (2010-2012; 2015-2021)

Long-term evaluation of reproductive phenology, seed dispersal, seed predation and survival of seedlings, juveniles, and adult individuals of Syagrus rommanzoffiana in the field; analysis of the effects of fragmentation, drought and climatic variables on regeneration and flower and seed production. Supervisor: Alexander V. Christianini. This project was developed in collaboration with Pedro Pedroso and Mariana Kimura.

Publications: 1 and 3


Anthropogenic disturbance effects on plant regeneration (2016-2020)

Global meta-analysis of the effects of human activities on seed germination and seedling survival, and the role of species traits and habitat characteristics; evaluation of microhabitat characteristics, seed germination and seed removal in small Atlantic Forest fragments and restoration areas. Supervisors: Alexander V. Christianini and Jessica Gurevitch.

Publication: 4


Seed and establishment limitations in a neotropical savanna plant community (2013-2015)

Assessment of the constraints to seed production, seed dispersal and seedling establishment in a Cerrado plant community, which included field experiments involving seed rain and seed germination. Supervisor: Alexander V. Christianini.

Publication: 2

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